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Maybe you're pre-planning a funeral for yourself or a loved one and decide to get some pricing information by calling a few funeral providers. Or you need to make urgent arrangements for a loved one who passed away in another state. When you’re making funeral arrangements, you have a right to get funeral pricing information over the phone.
If you’re a servicemember who signed up for an in-store financing plan through Harris Jewelry and paid for an add-on protection plan, listen up. The court reopened the Harris claims process. If you haven’t already applied for a refund or haven’t heard back from Harris yet, now’s the time to apply. Bottom line: Don’t wait.
Looking to make changes to your Medicare coverage? Now’s the time: Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period started October 15 and goes until December 7. But as you compare your coverage options, keep an eye out for scammers — they know about Open Enrollment, too.
Despite the best of intentions and careful planning, you may find yourself facing a financial challenge when you least expect it. A furlough, layoff, illness, or emergency can crop up suddenly. Life can be full of surprises for veterans and military families, so, when faced with unexpected expenses or loss of income, what can you do to keep yourself afloat and your finances on track?