A high school diploma is a requirement to join the military. But what if your spouse or another family member is looking to get the equivalent of a diploma? Their time and money are too valuable to spend on programs that won’t help them get it. They might earn a high school equivalency diploma by taking a test or taking classes to earn credits to meet high school requirements. Learn to spot high school diploma scams.
High school equivalency tests are supervised, closed-book tests given on a specific date. Whether you take it online or in-person, you’ll have to show ID to make sure you’re the same person who signed up for the test.
There are two main high school equivalency tests — GED and HiSET. Your state might also recognize the National External Diploma Program (NEDP), or they might have a state-specific program like CHSPE for California or VT-ADP for Vermont.
Find out from your state department of education:
- what tests are accepted in that state
- whether any online programs are approved
- how to find a legitimate program
Find a community college nearby and ask what tests are accepted in that state, how to register, what to study, and whether they offer prep classes. Community colleges, university extension classes, and adult education programs run by local high schools often offer courses that help you meet high school requirements without taking an equivalency test.
No state accepts work experience credits only. Some states do let you earn some credits if you prove you have certain skills, certification, or licensing.