Looking for a practical way to help friends, family, and your community? We’ve got one: warn them about tax identity theft and IRS imposters.

This week is Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week — and a good time to think about what you can do. Here are three ideas to get you started:

  1. Send your friends and family a blog post about tax identity theft and IRS imposters. Tax identity theft happens when someone uses your Social Security number to get a tax refund or a job. IRS imposters are scammers who call you up pretending to be the IRS and try to convince you to send money now. Encourage people you know to file their taxes as soon as they can before a scammer beats them to it. You’ll find what you need at ftc.gov/taxidtheft
  1. Add some daily tips in your company or neighborhood newsletter.
  1. Spread the word to organizations you’re involved with, whether it’s writing to your local newspaper, posting on blogs or other online communities, or tweeting about it.

Want to sharpen your expertise? The FTC, AARP, and the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration will be hosting a tax identity theft webinar tomorrow — Tuesday, Jan. 27th — from 2:00-3:30 EST. You’ll find all the info you need to join at ftc.gov/taxidtheft (just scroll down). It’s free and open to everyone.