Look at the label on a bottle of diet pills or another weight loss product. What ingredients do you see? Unfortunately, you might not be seeing the whole picture.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has found hidden drugs and chemicals in hundreds of over-the-counter dietary supplements — even in so-called “natural” diet products. The FDA’s website offers a running list of tainted weight loss products, along with a helpful video: Being Fooled by Empty Diet Promises.
Some of the ingredients found in these tainted products could cause serious side effects or interact in harmful ways with other medicines you’re taking. People have suffered strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure, and cancer, and have even died.
It’s not worth risking your health to lose a few pounds. Remember that dietary supplements aren't evaluated by the FDA for safety and effectiveness before they’re sold. And recent FTC cases show that some weight loss products don’t have any proof that they work. Learn more about healthy ways to lose weight without jeopardizing your health.
Very informative blog article