Are you a teacher looking for online safety resources to share with your students? You’re in luck. The FTC offers FREE resources on topics including cyberbullying, using public Wi-Fi safely, advertising literacy, downloading apps, protecting personal information online, and much more.  

We’ve got videos and games you can use in classrooms, and helpful print guides to share with students and their parents. You can order as many free materials as you need from Allow 3-4 weeks for shipping (shipping is free, too). Added bonus: there are no copyright issues or permissions needed to use our information.

Here are some popular materials teachers have told us they love to use:


  • You are Here: In our virtual mall, kids learn to be smarter consumers. They can play games, design their own ads, watch a short film, and more.
  • The Case of the Cyber Criminal: This interactive game teaches kids how to protect themselves from scammers who are out to get their personal information.
  • Admongo: This fun and engaging online game teaches kids to think critically about advertising.


  • The Protection Connection: In this video, kids learn why it’s important to use privacy settings and protect personal information online.
  • Stand Up to Cyberbullying: This video helps kids understand how to stand up for themselves and others when dealing with a cyberbully.


  • Living Life Online: This interactive guide teaches kids ages 8-14 to be good digital citizens by thinking critically about online and mobile safety, as well as the ads they see around them.
  • Net Cetera: One of our most popular publications, Net Cetera offers tips to help adults start the conversation with kids about online safety and responsibility. You can order this guide for other educators, and send it home with kids to share with their parents.

Check out our featured educators resources for more. We’d love to hear how you’re using these materials in our comments section below!