At Social Security, we provide benefits that are economic lifelines for millions of Americans—including many with severe disabilities—and we work hard to preserve these critical resources for only those who should receive them.

We have zero tolerance for fraud.  And, we back up this commitment with strong protections, policies, and our dedicated employees whom we encourage to report suspected fraud.

But, we need your help.  Recently, we launched a website, Social Security: Protecting Your Investment, to highlight how Social Security prevents and combats fraud, and pursues fraudsters who are stealing your tax dollars.  Our message to those who commit fraud is simple: We will find you.  We will prosecute you. We will seek the maximum punishment under the law. And, we will fight  to restore the money you have stolen from the American people.

While exploring our website, you will learn about many of the tools we use, instructions for reporting suspicious activity, articles spotlighting our fraud reduction efforts, and much more.  In addition, organizations should come here for anti-fraud materials to include in their publications, web pages, and social media.

By rooting out fraud, we protect our programs for the people who need them. And, this includes providing earned benefits to people with severe disabilities and their families who qualify under the law.  To help tell their stories, we created the Faces and Facts of Disability page. This site documents the everyday courage and dignity of our people with disabilities.  Many of our them rely on us through the disability program to cover the cost of life’s necessities, and we simply cannot let them down.

Submitted by kharidja on March 25, 2015 | 11:20AM


03/25/2015 I am deaf person my birth name carrie bell carter I am doing over my own computer system ( I have provide everything about my own grandparents family many died and my parents too. I was child only. ) I saw about my aunt died Feb 15, I have all proof death " I have flash drive " will go to Library use printer. bring to IRS when weather warm. I DID WARNING TO FEDERAL-GOVERNMENT OF SS/SSI TOO BUT MOST OF SOCIAL SECURITY ONLY. thank you by Kharidja Angelica Nichols