Carol Kando-Pineda, Attorney, FTC
The FTC’s mission is to protect consumers. And one group of consumers who can face specific kinds of challenges? Our military community. For many young servicemembers, time in the service is their first full-time job. Military families may move around regularly as they change duty stations. In 2012, the FTC received 42,200 fraud complaints from the military community. The top complaint categories were: debt collection, imposter scams, fraud involving prize offers, sweepstakes or gifts, unlawful banking or lending practices, and scams that offer mortgage foreclosure relief or debt management services.
Carol Kando-Pineda, Attorney, FTC
Veterans Day is a special time to honor all those who have served our country. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, more than 22 million veterans live in the U.S. today. And yet, for all the grateful Americans who celebrate these heroes, there are scammers trying to take advantage of veterans and current servicemembers. The FTC’s Consumer Center has loads of information to help veterans and their families fight back against fraudsters.
Jennifer Leach, FTC, Consumer Education Specialist
You can rent a movie, a car, furniture or electronics of various kinds. And now, you can rent tires. You read it right: rental tires. They are, it turns out, a growing business. The price of rubber is going up, which means tires are more and more expensive. That’s where these tire rental places come in. Their marketing says: if you depend on your car to get to work, but you can’t afford to buy four tires, rent them instead.
Carol Kando-Pineda, Attorney, Federal Trade Commission
You’ve served the nation and maybe you’re thinking about heading back to school to start the next chapter of your career. Colleges are there to help you, right? Hmm, not so fast. Not every school has got your back. Some for-profit schools may care more about boosting their bottom line with your VA education benefits. Some may even stretch the truth to persuade you to enroll, either by pressuring you to sign up for courses that don’t suit your needs or to take out loans that will be a challenge to pay off. In 2010, the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Education (ED) said that 70% of the agency’s current fraud investigations were focused on for-profit schools. Ask some key questions before you make any decisions.
Carol Kando-Pineda, Attorney, FTC
Phantom debts – sounds a little like a ghostly Halloween prank. Unfortunately, it’s no joke. Some fake debt collectors may try deception and threats to pressure you to pay debts that you don’t owe. The FTC recently settled a case with debt collectors, Pinnacle Payment Services, Lisa Jeter, her partners and related companies about just these kinds of practices. Imagine getting a phone message like this: This is the Civil Investigations Unit. We are contacting you in regards to a complaint being filed against you, pursuant to claim and affidavit number D00D-2932, where you have been named a respondent in a court action and must appear… Please forward this information to your attorney in that the order to show cause contains a restraining order. You or your attorney will have 24 to 48 hours to oppose this matter… Call 757-301-4745. Who wouldn’t be spooked? The FTC has gotten almost 3,000 complaints about messages like this.
Holly Petraeus, Assistant Director, Office of Servicemember Affairs, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
When it comes to tricking you out of your money, for scammers it’s Halloween all year long. In 2011, an estimated 25.6 million adults (10.8 percent of the U.S. adult population) were victims of fraud. Consumer scams can take many different forms, from direct marketing to affinity scams and involve everything from identity theft to pension poaching. However, there are a few general tell-tale signs that you can look for if you’re trying to decide if a financial product or service you’re being offered is a scammer’s trick or a financial treat.
Lisa Lake, Consumer Education Specialist, FTC
Every now and then, many of us get the strange feeling someone’s watching us. Given how easy it is these days for companies to gather information about where we are, what we’re doing, and how we’re doing it, this may well be more than a feeling. Even so, here’s one that really takes the cake:
Colleen Tressler, Consumer Education Specialist, FTC
It’s heartbreaking to see people lose their lives, homes, businesses, pets and livestock to ravaging floodwaters. But it’s despicable when scammers exploit such tragedies to tug at your heartstrings and appeal to your sense of generosity. That’s why the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency, urges you to be cautious of potential charity scams in connection with the ongoing flooding in Colorado. If you’re looking for a way to give, do some research to ensure that your donation will go to a reputable organization that will use the money as promised — and as you intend.
Carol Kando-Pineda, Attorney, FTC
Who doesn’t like to get something for free? That’s what scammers are hoping when they send out messages like this: You've been selected for a free $1000 giftcard! Enter the code 'FREE' at to get it now. Only 112 left! Text OUT to stop. But if you do as the text says, you’ll end up at a website that requires you to give up your personal information to claim your “free” gift. Once you’ve shared your information, the site pushes you to sign up for more than a dozen risky trial offers (which aren’t free) to qualify for the supposedly free gift card they promised you. Hold the phone!
Colleen Tressler, Consumer Education Specialist, FTC
If you need some fast cash, you may be tempted by ads touting online payday loans . But before you click on a link and share your personal information, I have a cautionary tale to share. There once was an online payday loan operation that promised to help people find loans. They claimed that they were affiliated with a network of 120 potential payday lenders, and that four out of five people who applied were approved. What’s more, they touted that 80 percent of applicants got loans in as little as one hour. Lies, I tell you. Lies!