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Scammers create fake emergencies to get your money

Carol Kando-Pineda
“I was headed home on leave but I lost my wallet and military ID. I’m stranded — please wire money.” “Your grandson is being held in jail. He needs bail money right away.” Scammers try to trick you
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Military Families: 3 Steps to a Safer Celebration

Ann Marie Buerkle
The Fourth of July is an important day for all Americans, and can have even more significance to those who have served in the armed services. Perhaps you’re getting together with family and friends
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Military Consumer Month 2018: Fight Imposter Scams

Andrew Smith
J uly is Military Consumer Month. This year, we’re focusing on fighting imposter scams – where a con artist pretends to be someone you trust, to convince you to send money or personal information. The
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Free credit freezes are coming soon

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
Looking for stronger ways to protect your credit? Thanks to a new federal law, soon you can get free credit freezes and year-long fraud alerts. Here’s what to look forward to when the law takes effect
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FTC’s Data Book and military consumers

Monica Vaca
Last year we heard from nearly 2.7 million people about scams and other consumer problems they encountered. We’ve tallied the numbers and last week the FTC announced the 2017 Consumer Sentinel Network
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Getting your money back from Western Union

Karen Dodge
Did you lose money to a scammer who had you pay using Western Union between January 1, 2004 and January 19, 2017? If so, you can now ask for your money back – and you have until February 12, 2018 to
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Honoring our veterans

Carol Kando-Pineda
November 11 is Veterans Day. The origins of this annual commemoration reach back nearly 100 years to “Armistice Day,” which marked the end of World War I. Now we call it Veterans Day to honor all who
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Call from 877-382-4357? Hang up.

Andrew Johnson
Scammers are using fake caller ID information to trick you into thinking they’re someone who can be trusted. The practice is called caller ID spoofing, and scammers can fake anyone’s phone number
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Got student loan debt? Don’t be scammed.

Ari Lazarus
If you’ve got student loan debt, you’ve probably seen ads or been contacted by companies promising they can help. Some are scams – and the FTC is going after them. Today the FTC announced Operation
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Give wisely to help shooting victims

Emma Fletcher
Tugging at your heartstrings is a tried and true method scammers use to get to your wallet. When tragedy strikes, they take advantage. Sadly, the Las Vegas shooting is no exception. The FTC has heard
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#MilChat: Military identity theft and cybersecurity

Alesha Hernandez
According to the FTC, identity theft is one the top complaints from military consumers. Join Military Consumer and @StopFraudCo on Thursday October 12 at 1:00 PM MT/ 3:00 PM ET as we discuss identity
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Hurricane Maria: Make your donations count

Cristina Miranda
Hurricane Maria devastated the island of Puerto Rico, home to almost 3.5 million Americans . Those of us with personal ties to the island are shocked by the catastrophe Hurricane Maria left behind. It
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Security smarts for smartwatches

Lisa Lake
Smartwatches have quickly gone from sci-fi to commonplace, and it’s easy to see why. Users can conveniently manage messages, music, fitness, and more right from their wrists as they go about the day
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What’s affiliate marketing? Should I care?

Rosario Méndez
Many of the ads you see online are created by marketers who are paid each time you click on their ad. And if that click takes you to a website where you sign up to try a product or you make a purchase
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Free credit freezes from Equifax

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
Many people have had very sensitive personal information exposed in the Equifax breach — Social Security numbers, account numbers, even drivers’ license numbers. Equifax is offering free credit
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Fraud alert or credit freeze – which is right for you?

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
Considering a fraud alert or credit freeze? In the aftermath of the Equifax data breach, many people are. You don’t need to be an identity theft victim to use them – but it’s helpful to consider your
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Equifax isn’t calling

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
Ring, ring. "This is Equifax calling to verify your account information." Stop. Don’t tell them anything. They’re not from Equifax. It’s a scam. Equifax will not call you out of the blue. Equifax’s
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Make your hurricane donations count

Colleen Tressler
Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are wreaking devastation from Texas to Florida to Puerto Rico, and beyond. Generous people across the country are doing what they can to help their neighbors in need. If you
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Questions about military retirement?

Alesha Hernandez
Retirement is a big transition in a servicemembers’ life. It will affect you, your family and your finances. Military Consumer and @StopFraudCo will host a Twitter chat to talk about what retirement