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It’s Military Consumer Month 2020

Andrew Smith
Military Consumer Month is here! In these unprecedented and challenging times, we’re focusing on consumer issues related to COVID-19. As of June 30, consumers have submitted more than 115,000 reports
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COVID mask exemption cards are not from the government

Colleen Tressler
To help limit the spread of the Coronavirus, many states are requiring people to wear face coverings in places open to the public. But there are cards circulating online and on social media that say
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Hurricane season 2020 and COVID-19

Colleen Tressler
June 1 is the official start of hurricane season, and now is a great time to make a plan to deal with weather emergencies. Especially because this year, we have the added concern of the COVID-19
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COVID-19 scams targeting college students

Ari Lazarus
Hey college students: even though you’re likely far from campus, scammers are still trying to find you. Maybe you or your friends have gotten an email claiming to be from the “Financial Department” of
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This “game” is a chain letter scam

Seena Gressin
Are you tempted to play “The Circle Game,” join a “Blessing Loom,” or jump on a “Money Board”? These are some of the names for an online scam that’s making the rounds at a time when millions of people
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Military Data Spotlight: Identity theft and servicemembers

Emma Fletcher
Every year, thousands of servicemembers report to us about their consumer experiences. Those reports are the focus of the FTC’s Data Spotlight , Identity theft causing outsized harm to our troops
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Finding a furry friend in the era of COVID-19

Namukolo Kasumpa
If you’ve been thinking about adding a pet to your family, now may be a good time. In addition to pets offering unconditional love, companionship, and amusement, studies have shown that the bond
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COVID-19 contact tracing text message scams

Colleen Tressler
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about contact tracing . It’s the process of identifying people who have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, instructing them to
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Fighting Coronavirus scams: Taking stock

Andrew Smith
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the FTC has released dozens of warning letters against people trying to make an illegal buck off the Coronavirus. More than a month in, it seem s like a
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Coronavirus and your mortgage

Carol Kando-Pineda
Because of the Coronavirus, many people are facing financial challenges, especially paying their mortgage. If you’re unable to make your mortgage payments, you could lose your home to foreclosure
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New funding for Coronavirus SBA loans attracts scammers

Rosario Mendez
If you’re a business owner, you may be planning to apply for a loan through the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) program. These programs recently got
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Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know

Alvaro Puig
We know there’s been a flood of information and updates about the government’s economic impact payments, or so-called stimulus checks, lately. But quickly and safely moving massive amounts of money
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COVID-19 scam reports, by the numbers

Paul Witt
If you’re a regular reader of this blog — or of the news, you know that scammers are out in force, taking advantage of all aspects of the Coronavirus pandemic. We’ve spotted plenty of bogus cures and
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Looking for work after Coronavirus layoffs?

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
Have you or a loved one been laid off due to the Coronavirus? Or maybe your small business shut down? Today, the FTC kicks off a series of blogs with tips about handling the financial impact of the
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Socially distancing from COVID-19 robocall scams

Karen Hobbs
Scammers – and scammy companies – are using illegal robocalls to profit from Coronavirus-related fears. Listen to some of the latest scammy robocall pitches, so you can be on the lookout and know how
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Now more than ever, spot the scams with #FTCScamBingo

Jennifer Leach
D uring the Coronavirus outbreak, many people are working from home — and maybe even, for the first time in a long time, answering calls from unfamiliar phone numbers. It might be your colleague’s
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Online security tips for working from home

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
Teleworking during the Coronavirus outbreak? While working from home can help slow the spread of the virus, it brings new challenges: juggling work while kids are home from school; learning new