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FTC: Coronavirus scams, Part 2

Colleen Tressler
Last month, we alerted you to Coronavirus scams we were seeing at the time. Earlier this month, we sent warning letters to seven sellers of scam Coronavirus treatments. So far, all of the companies
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Checks from the government

Jennifer Leach
As the Coronavirus takes a growing toll on people’s pocketbooks, there are reports that the government will soon be sending money by check or direct deposit to each of us. The details are still being
Blog Post

Look before they ship

Lesley Fair
You’ve spotted a gotta-have-it item online. You’ve looked into the price, product details, and return information. Ready to click the BUY button? Not so fast. If you don’t pay careful attention to a
Blog Post

FTC: Detox tea claims are hard to swallow

Colleen Tressler
Looking to improve your health or lose a few pounds? Maybe detox teas promoted by celebrities on social media have caught your eye. Before you pay up and down a cup, listen to what the FTC has to say
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What's a money mule scam?

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
Scammers may try to use you to move stolen money. If you help them, you could be what law enforcement calls a money mule. Money mule scams happen several ways. The story often involves scams related
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Is that text message about your FedEx package really a scam?

Alvaro Puig
You may be skeptical when someone you don’t know sends you a text message you didn’t expect and it tells you to click on a link. Maybe that little voice in your head starts talking to you. I know mine
Blog Post

FTC: The bottom-line on fake checks scams

Colleen Tressler
If someone you don’t know sends you a check and asks for money back, that’s a scam. Fake checks drive many types of scams — like those involving phony job and income opportunities, online classified
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Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week is coming

Seena Gressin
‘Tis the season when the tidings come in envelopes stamped “Important Tax Return Document Enclosed.” Yes, it’s tax filing season, and the season’s Grinches are the tax identity thieves and government
Blog Post

The top frauds of 2019

Monica Vaca
Each year, the FTC takes a hard look at the number of reports people make to our Consumer Sentinel Network. In fact, during 2019 , we got more than 3.2 million reports to the FTC from you. We’ve read
Blog Post

2020 Census jobs: It costs nothing to apply

Colleen Tressler
We saw it with the 2010 Census: scammers lying to people about the availability of jobs as census takers, and charging fees to help people get those jobs. If history is any indication, the scammers
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Protecting small business from imposters

Laura Solis
Opening a business requires planning, elbow grease, and probably some paperwork to register your new company with your state or local government. And that’s where some not-so-honest outfits may try to
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Student loan debt relief

Carol Kando-Pineda
Are you repaying education-related loans? According to the Pew Research Center , about one-third of adu lts under age 30 have student loan debt. You’ve probably seen ads from companies promising to
Blog Post

Tips for holiday gift card shopping

Cristina Miranda
Gift cards are one quick way to get through your last-minute holiday shopping list. But before you give (and get) gift cards, here are a few things you need to know. Inspect gift cards before you buy
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What to ask before buying internet-connected toys

Cristina Miranda
What’s on your holiday wish list? Perhaps a smart speaker for your kids’ bedroom, or a cuddly cool internet-connected smart toy to help them learn? Before you give one of these connected toys, read
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Helping military kids

Carol Kando-Pineda
November is Military Family Month, a time to recognize the unique challenges that families face when supporting their servicemembers. Children may need to deal with a parent’s deployment or uprooting
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“Pass it On” at the holidays

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
Holidays often mean time with family and friends. If you’re looking for conversation starters that avoid tricky topics – like who should’ve won the World Series – why not chat about scams? Pass it On
Blog Post

Veterans, servicemembers and fraud: by the numbers

Carol Kando-Pineda
When people report scams to the FTC, we learn a lot about how they experience fraud. These fraud reports are important for law enforcement and education efforts. And, as more and more people report
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Veterans: We honor and thank you

Carol Kando-Pineda
November 11 is Veterans Day. More than 18 million people are U.S. military veterans. It’s a fitting time to thank military veterans for their sacrifice and service in protecting the United States. It
Blog Post

Are you a social media influencer?

Lesley Fair
Chances are you know an influencer – a person who works with a brand to recommend or endorse a product in social media. Maybe you work at a company that uses influencers or perhaps that describes you
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National Veterans Small Business Week

Carol Kando-Pineda
This week is the sixth annual National Veterans Small Business Week. Once again, the FTC joins with the Small Business Administration to celebrate and support veterans who are small businesses owners