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Mystery shopper scam strikes again

Amy Hebert, Consumer Education Specialist, FTC
It sounds pretty good: you walk into a store like any other customer. Then 20 minutes later, you’re done, ready to write a report that will earn you $50. And then you can do it again. If Shopper
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Back, back, back it up!

Nicole Vincent Fleming
You’ve heard it a million times: Don’t click on links in an email unless you know who sent it and what it is. But sometimes the link in an email is just so darned convenient. For example, you ship a
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Is there a "fiscal" attraction?

Aditi Jhaveri
The most romantic day of the year is almost here. And while you’re daydreaming about the great chemistry between you and your Valentine, you also might think about whether you’re a financially
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“One-ring” cell phone scam can ding your wallet

Colleen Tressler
Who’s calling now? That number doesn’t ring a bell. Hold the phone, says the Federal Trade Commission. You could be a potential victim of the growing "one-ring” cell phone scam. Here’s how it works
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Busted flat, but not in Baton Rouge

Jennifer Leach
As an agency with civil law enforcement authority, the FTC likes a criminal bust as much as anyone. And, just last month, our colleagues at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and US Postal Inspection
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It might not be you they’re after

Jennifer Leach
If you’re lookin’ for love (sometimes in all the wrong places), chances are you’ll wind up on an online dating site at some point. Those who use dating sites can attest: you’ll meet some nice people
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Phantom debts and fake collection notices

Nicole Vincent Fleming
Imagine getting an official-looking letter — with a seal, signed by a judge — that says you owe a lot of money for an unpaid payday loan. Awfully intimidating, right? Especially if it included your
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An Online Payday Loan Or Window To A Scam?

Cristina Miranda
Strapped for cash? You might think an online payday loan is a quick and easy way to help stretch your money. But before you enter your bank account or any other personal information on a payday loan
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We Want to Hear From You!

Carol Kando-Pineda
Veterans and their families deserve truthful information when choosing how and where to use their military education benefits. Are you getting the straight scoop on what your program will cost, the
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An Unfortunate Fact About Shopping

Nicole Vincent Fleming
Another day, another announcement about a data breach. As news trickles out about retailers that have been hacked, you may be wondering what you can do to protect yourself from fraud. Even if you’re
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Ending a Spam Scam about the Affordable Care Act

Bridget Small
The Federal Trade Commission has sued one of the world’s reputedly biggest spammers and the company it says he used to send thousands of false, alarming and threatening emails disguised as information
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We Want to Hear From You!

Carol Kando-Pineda
Veterans and their families deserve truthful information when choosing how and where to use their military education benefits. Are you getting the straight scoop on what your program will cost, the
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An In-App Surprise: How to Lose Hundreds in 15 Minutes

Amy Hebert
Quick: name a way your kids could rack up hundreds of dollars in charges in under 15 minutes without you being the wiser. One answer: through an app on your iPhone or other Apple device. Today, the
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Shopping for Just the Right Gift

Aditi Jhaveri
The clock is ticking, and you’re on the hook to find just the right gift this holiday season. Perhaps you’re shopping at the last minute; maybe the giftee is really picky; or, if you’re like I am
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Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now Donate??

Carol Kando-Pineda
Now that the holiday season is in full swing, you may be thinking about donating to your favorite charities. This time of year also brings more attention to our deployed personnel, their families
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Sharing Your Location...In a Flash

Nicole Vincent Fleming
Imagine this: You’re at home one evening when a sudden storm knocks out your power. You reach for that flashlight you keep in the kitchen drawer just for emergencies. You flip the switch, and the
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Scam Targeting Vets

Peter Granato, Veterans Benefits Administration, VA
Veterans should be aware of a marketing scam targeting callers trying to reach the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Call Center or GI Bill Call Center. A marketing company has established
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Preventing Fraud Against Our Forces

Carol Kando-Pineda
The FTC’s mission is to protect consumers. And one group of consumers who can face specific kinds of challenges? Our military community. For many young servicemembers, time in the service is their
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Honor Our Vets

Carol Kando-Pineda
Veterans Day is a special time to honor all those who have served our country. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, more than 22 million veterans live in the U.S. today. And yet, for all