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Is that health insurance website for real?

Cristina Miranda
Shopping for health insurance online? Before making your final purchase – read on. Health insurance scams have been preying on vulnerable consumers through websites selling medical discount plans.
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FTC: Telemarketing scam stole money from older consumers

Colleen Tressler
How low can scammers go? As low as stealing from older consumers to line their own pockets. The FTC says some scammers claimed to be calling on behalf of the government to verify information for a new
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Be smart about your phone

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
You just bought the latest smartphone. You loaded all your favorite apps — online banking, GPS, even an app to track your health. But now your phone is full of information about you — how much money
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Taken for a glide

Amy Hebert
Would you be willing to exercise 3 minutes a day to get fit? It’s a compelling proposition. Unfortunately, in the case of the ab GLIDER, lost pounds, body inches, or clothing sizes weren’t just an
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These health care plans were scams

Amy Hebert
Before you sign up and pay any money for health insurance or discount plans, check out all the available options — and any claims they make about coverage. Some people who call you up promoting a way
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Drum roll, please…

Nicole Vincent Fleming
The FTC recently attended DEF CON 22, and challenged the tech-savvy to help us zap “Rachel from Cardholder Services” and her robocall buddies. How? The agency hosted a contest to see who could develop
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Can you spot a government imposter?

Amy Hebert
Your caller ID says “FTC” or “IRS,” and the phone number has the “202” Washington, DC area code. You might even look the number up and see that it’s a real government phone number. But the person
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Wow! Your baby can read? Really?

Lisa Lake
All parents think their babies rock. But when a company says its product will help a kid master reading Harry Potter during the potty-training years, it needs solid science to support those claims
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Russian hackers might have your info — now what?

Amy Hebert
You may have heard about it in the news: reports that Russian hackers have stolen more than a billion unique username and password combinations, and more than 500 million email addresses, grabbed from
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Deploying Servicemembers: Consider an active duty alert

Colleen Tressler
If you’re a servicemember getting ready to deploy, you most likely have a “To Do” list. FTC staff suggest your list include placing an active duty alert on your credit reports to help minimize your
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What consumers are telling us

Susan Grant
Are you tired of getting telemarketing calls even though your number is on the national Do-Not-Call registry , or of running to pick up the phone only to be greeted by a pre-recorded sales pitch? You
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Credit scores: The higher, the better

Colleen Tressler
Ever wonder how a lender decides whether to grant you credit? For years, creditors have been using credit scoring systems to determine if you’d be a good risk for credit cards, auto loans, and
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Investor Bulletin: 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Investing

Office of Investor Education and Advocacy
Whether you’re a first-time investor or have been investing for many years, there is some basic information you should know. Here are 10 tips that may help you make informed financial decisions and
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Closing the book on Colfax

Holly Petraeus
Today, we announce an enforcement action against Colfax Capital Corporation and its subsidiary Culver Capital, LLC for engaging in unlawful lending practices that targeted and financially harmed
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Pension advances come at a very steep price

Colleen Tressler
If you’re retired and trying to make ends meet, here’s a pitch that might catch your interest: “Convert tomorrow’s pension checks into hard cash today.” Sound tempting? Think again. Pension advances
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Helping protect those who protect us

Roy Cooper
We appreciate and respect the sacrifices that members of our military and their families make for our country, but unfortunately there are some people who try to take advantage of our men and women in