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Get ready for National Consumer Protection Week!

Lisa Lake
It’s about that time again. Are you ready? Every year, National Consumer Protection Week (NCPW) , encourages people and businesses to learn more about avoiding scams and understanding consumer rights
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Don’t let tax scammers get away with it

Amy Hebert
Tax season is getting close — and for some people, so is an experience with tax identity theft or IRS imposters. Tax identity theft happens when someone uses your Social Security number to get a tax
Blog Post

Ads for kids’ supplements didn’t speak the truth

Aditi Jhaveri
When ads for products don’t tell the truth, you can bet the FTC will take notice. Today, the FTC brought a case against NourishLife , a company that allegedly made unsupported and false claims about
Blog Post

How to solve your post-holiday consumer problems

Colleen Tressler
The holidays are over. Hope you had a grand time! I know I did, but I also know a few people who are experiencing a bit of post-holiday frustration with products and services they bought. But never
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Top blog posts of 2014

Alvaro Puig
It’s that time of year when everyone’s compiling their Best of 2014 list. We didn’t want to miss the fun so here’s our own list of the 10 Most Read Consumer Blog Posts of 2014.
Blog Post

How NOT to use a gift card

Nicole Vincent Fleming
Thinking about giving a fancy new gadget as a holiday gift? Or maybe there’s something on your wish list that Santa forgot to bring? If so, you might be tempted by an ad for high-tech at a low price
Blog Post

Refunds for customers crammed by T-Mobile

Cristina Miranda
Some current and former T-Mobile customers are about to get their money back. As part of a $90 million dollar proposed settlement , T-Mobile is refunding customers who were unfairly billed third-party
Blog Post

Funding your holiday fun

Bridget Small
It’s holiday season; time to visit family and friends, buy gifts and celebrate. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of sales and shopping, but if money is tight right now, you may wonder if
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Sensa buyers gain refund checks

Bridget Small
Close to half a million people who bought Sensa, a sprinkle-on weight loss product, will share more than $26 million in refunds , thanks to the FTC. The money comes from the FTC’s settlement with
Blog Post

Giving and getting gift cards this holiday season

Alvaro Puig
Mark Twain once said, “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” If you live by this mantra, you might find yourself scrambling at the last minute to finish your
Blog Post

Hanging out with Mrs. Petraeus

Nelson Akeredolu
Come hangout with Holly! Holly Petraeus joins the Government Services Administration’s own #AskMarietta for a Google Hangout on ways servicemembers and veterans can find help tackling debt, scams and
Blog Post

What to know about webcam hackers

Nicole Vincent Fleming
Have you seen news reports about foreign websites showing live feeds from unsecured wireless cameras — like nanny cams, baby monitors, and security cameras — in the U.S. and around the world? It’s
Blog Post

“Free credit scores” from One Technologies came at a price

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
“Free credit scores” sounds good, right? But what if you signed up for “free credit scores,” then found out you were enrolled in a credit monitoring program that costs $29.95 per month? Not so good
Blog Post

Veterans: Empowered to fight fraud

Carol Kando-Pineda
Veterans Day is intended to honor and thank all who served in the United States Armed Forces. Despite the nation’s gratitude to these heroes, there are some who would lie to make a buck off them.
Blog Post

Saving and Investing Basics for Military Personnel

Office of Investor Education and Advocacy
T he SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Advocacy is issuing this Investor Bulletin to help military personnel make more informed savings and investing decisions and avoid common scams. Below is a
Blog Post

Ready for the ho-ho-holidays? Let’s talk.

Carol Kando-Pineda
According to a recent survey, half of Americans dread holiday shopping. Whether you love or hate it, we’ll be in the thick of the season before you know it. Doing some advance planning can take the
Blog Post

Check out the auto dealer and financing – before you sign

Colleen Tressler
You want to buy a car and need financing, but your credit isn’t so great. Most dealerships have a Finance and Insurance (F&I) Department that will tell you about their financing options . To get the
Blog Post

Ad for Gerber baby formula: Deceptively cute

Aditi Jhaveri
You want the best for your baby. So when you see an ad for formula that claims to help reduce the risk of your child developing allergies, you might be willing to give it a try. Well, hang on to your
Blog Post

FTC sues AT&T for limiting “unlimited data”

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
“Unlimited data” sounds great, right? Browse the Internet, stream videos, use GPS, even make video calls – all to your heart’s content. But what if you bought an unlimited data plan and then weren’t