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Scammers play name game and get caught

Bridget Small
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but sometimes it’s illegal. Just ask the people behind First Time Credit Solutions, who promoted their business as “FTC Credit Solutions” until the
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Operation Ruse Control

Colleen Tressler
Shopping for a car can be fun and exciting. But wading through ads and promotions from car dealers also can be stressful. Some advertise unusually low prices, low or no up-front payments, low- or no
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Rent-to-Own: Consider your alternatives

Colleen Tressler
Need a sofa, washer/dryer, TV, or new tires? Don’t have the cash or credit to buy them outright? You may be considering rent-to-own: simply make weekly or monthly payments for a while and you own the
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Been hacked or hijacked? Read this.

Amy Hebert
Your email’s been hacked — what do you do? Your computer’s been hijacked by malware — how do you get it back?
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Cleaning up without getting cleaned out

Colleen Tressler
I don't know about you, but I’m about ready to say "uncle" to Old Man Winter. This year's record-breaking snowfalls, downed trees, roof collapses, mudslides, flooding and frozen pipes are leaving
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MSW2015: Combat Debt

James Lander
Roughly one in six Savers has selected paying off consumer debts as their wealth-building goal. That does not come as a surprise since, along with modest incomes, large consumer debts are the most
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MSW2015: Rainy Days Forecast - Pack an Umbrella

FINRA Investor Education Foundation Staff
Most of us appreciate a sturdy umbrella on a stormy day. We don’t always know when we’ll encounter rain, but unless we live in the desert, we know that eventually rain will fall. So we buy umbrellas
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MSW2015: Saving For Emergencies

James Lander
Building an emergency savings fund is one of the top goals of Military Savers. Why Build an Emergency Fund This is a sound choice. Having an emergency savings fund may be the most important difference
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MSW2015: The Unexpected is Expensive

The USAA Educational Foundation
Unexpected expenses come in many forms and can quickly get you into debt or push you further into debt. Prepare for these unexpected expenses with an emergency fund. Life happens when we are busy
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Can your app really do that?

Aditi Jhaveri
Apps can provide hours of entertainment, keep you organized, and help you learn something new. Indeed, apps can be helpful , as long as they provide accurate information. But if you’re trying to
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MSW2015: Set a Goal. Make a Plan. Save Automatically!

Carol Kando-Pineda
Set a goal, make a plan and save automatically -- words to live by from Military Save s. Military Saves Week begins today. Take the Military Saves Pledge and get lots of tips and support for your
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Military Saves Week: February 23 to 28

James Lander
Military Saves Week 2015 is next week! Military Saves is part of the DoD Financial Readiness Campaign and a chance for servicemembers and their families to assess their own saving status and take
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Laptop security in a nutshell

Aditi Jhaveri
Imagine you’re at a coffee shop, sipping on a latte while working on your laptop. After all that coffee, you need to run to the loo. Would you leave your laptop for just a sec while you heed nature’s
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Sending money out of love, or sending a scammer money?

Cristina Miranda
Love is a powerful thing. So when a loved one calls or emails, saying they’re in trouble, you’d want to help, right? If they ask you to send cash immediately — should you follow your heart? The short
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What’s the true cost of a car title loan?

Colleen Tressler
Have you seen a sign offering a car title loan — also known as a pink-slip loan, title pledge or title pawn? These loans use your paid-off car as collateral, and you get a small, short-term loan with
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Fast-talk from Straight Talk and others about unlimited data

Nicole Vincent Fleming
Unlimited talk, text, and data for $45 per month with no contract? That sounds like a great deal, but according to a recent FTC lawsuit , millions of people who bought unlimited mobile plans from
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Happy Data Privacy Day!

Aditi Jhaveri
Sorry, folks, I don’t have any cake to share for this celebration, but don’t let that stop you from participating in Data Privacy Day . There are practical things you can do today, and every day, to