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Before paying with bitcoins…

Kristin Cohen
If you shop online — and who doesn’t? — you might notice that some websites let you pay with bitcoins. Virtual or crypto currencies like Bitcoin can be a fast way to pay online, or in person with a
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Buying a flood-damaged car could leave you high and dry

Colleen Tressler
Recent storms and flooding plaguing the Midwest and Southeast could impact car buyers across the country. Vehicles damaged by floods in those area can be cleaned up and taken out of state for sale
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Fortuneteller or financial advisor?

Jennifer Leach
You might like your financial advisor to predict the future in ways that could help you get rich. But legitimate advisors won’t promise to know what comes next – and you shouldn’t invest with anyone
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“Doom”ed false promises

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
Earn rewards for supporting a project you believe in? That’s what “crowdfunding” is all about. Here’s how it works: “Creators” think of projects. To pay for those projects, they ask for small amounts
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OPM data breach – what should you do?

Lisa Weintraub Schifferle
A data breach at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) – and you’re a current or former federal employee whose personal information may have been exposed. What should you do? Take a deep breath
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Is that work-at-home job going to pay?

Amy Hebert
Are you looking for a job you can do from home? Maybe you want something flexible to balance responsibilities like caring for kids or family members. Or maybe you haven’t been able to find a job, or
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Paying your friends through an app? Read this.

Aditi Jhaveri
Imagine you’re at a restaurant with your friend. She pays the check, and says you can pay her back. Do you: a) write an IOU on a napkin? b) pull out a wad of cash and give her exact change? c) take
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Wipes in pipes cause clogs and gripes

Bridget Small
For most people, plumbing problems rank right up there with root canals on the list of “experiences to avoid.” We’re careful about what we flush. We may rely on ads or product labels for information
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Recovering from identity theft is easier with a plan

Nicole Fleming
Hollywood might have you believe that identity theft means a dozen maxed out credit cards, a warrant for your arrest, and a bill for a spa appointment 2,000 miles away. But in real life, identity
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Wash that hype right outta your hair

Lisa Lake
Most of us know better than to seek the Fountain of Youth, take a sip from it, and expect to reverse the signs of aging. That’s called a myth. When ads claim a product will permanently remove or
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Spammy, phony weight loss promises

Aditi Jhaveri
You get an email from a friend, with a link and a message: “Hi! Oprah says it’s excellent!” But did your friend really send this message? And what’s so excellent? Millions of people got emails like
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How to help the earthquake victims in Nepal

Colleen Tressler
The devastation caused by a massive earthquake in Nepal and the Katmandu Valley region has left many people asking how they can help. If you’re looking for a way to give, the Federal Trade Commission
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Sweepstakes scam uses FTC Commissioner’s name in vain

Amy Hebert
A couple of weeks ago, we told you about a sweepstakes scam using the FTC’s name to get people to send money. Now, there’s another sweepstakes-themed FTC imposter scam, and this one lays it on thick
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Preparing for spring weather emergencies

Colleen Tressler
After a long, hard winter, aren’t you ready for spring? Baseball, bike rides, barbecuing…but spring also carries with it the risk of severe weather, including dangerous storms, flooding and tornadoes
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Spring into action with Financial Literacy Month

Colleen Tressler
Spring has finally sprung. And whether you’re shopping for a new lawn mower, a bike, or a gift for a new graduate, a little research can save you a lot of money. Even when you know what you want, it
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Money back guarantee hid another fee

Cristina Miranda
Starting a new business? That used to mean throwing a name on some brick and mortar. Nowadays, you need a website. Lots of companies sell domain names and web hosting services that let customers put
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The FTC didn’t send that sweepstakes letter

Amy Hebert
Here’s a scam with an FTC angle. The letter has an official-looking FTC seal and is signed by “FTC Director” Jessica Rich. It says someone at the FTC will help you claim a cash prize you’ve won, and