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“Brain training” with Lumosity — does it really work?

Aditi Jhaveri
Imagine if you could improve your memory, attention, and problem solving skills in all aspects of your life — just by playing some simple “brain training” games online or on an app. Games that could
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What’s worse than stale coffee? Stale Java.

Nicole Fleming
If you own a computer, you’ve probably seen this message before : Java Update Available . You know that leaving outdated software on your computer can make it more vulnerable to viruses and malware
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Veterans and identity theft Twitter chat

Carol Kando-Pineda
You probably know a few veterans. You might even be a vet yourself. If so, you’ll want to get some valuable tips from the FTC’s Military Consumer campaign, the Department of Veteran Affairs and the US
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Is that online review true? Watch this video.

Aditi Jhaveri, Consumer Education Specialist, FTC
If you’re like me, you probably look up online reviews before you go holiday shopping, make vacation plans, or even hire a plumber. Seeing what other people think can be super helpful in weighing
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Unwanted software can cause unwelcome problems

Nicole Vincent Fleming
Does your internet browser ever display ads that just seem wrong — for example, an inappropriate ad on a kid’s website, an ad that blocks content on the page, or an ad on a government site? It might
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Tips for Cyber Monday success

Andrew Johnson
Each year, Cyber Monday promises unbelievable savings – but before you start snagging deals, here are some tips to help you save money and protect your personal information:
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Have you taken a dietary supplement? Read this.

Aditi Jhaveri
There are lots of reasons you might take a dietary supplement — to feel healthy, to feel younger, to manage pain, or just to get more nutrients. But while some supplements have proven benefits, some
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Secret Sister Gift Exchange – Don’t pay or yule be sorry

Carol Kando-Pineda
Have you already decked your halls in lights, timed to blink to the strains of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? Even if you haven’t reached that level of early enthusiasm, the holiday spirit is
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Veterans: Don’t let scammers bilk your benefits

Carol Kando-Pineda
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the nation had more than 9.3 million veterans aged 65 and older in 2013. For most of us, Veterans Day means a time to thank all our former servicemembers. But it’s
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Free phones for veterans? Not quite.

Amy Hebert
You walk out of a VA facility, and see a booth with people offering free phones and cell service for veterans, all thanks to a government program. It sounds compelling, right? “Free” might end up
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FREE resources for educators

Aditi Jhaveri
Are you a teacher looking for online safety resources to share with your students? You’re in luck. The FTC offers FREE resources on topics including cyberbullying, using public Wi-Fi safely
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Gamers: Avoid the phishing hook

Andrew Johnson
Did you ever get an email that seemed legit, but it asked you to click a link or give up some personal information? Well, if you play massive multiplayer online games, be warned: phishers are looking
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Fake kidnappers cause genuine loss

Bridget Small
Phone scammers spend their days making trouble. They waste our time, tie up our phone lines and harass us with ugly language. Some do much, much worse. The FTC has heard from people who got calls from
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Scam du jour: Chip card scams

Colleen Tressler
Recently, I told you about the new credit and debt chip cards designed to reduce fraud, including counterfeiting. Now, I'm reporting on scammers who are trying to take advantage of the millions of
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Protecting your child’s information after a data breach

Nicole Fleming
If you’ve ever had your information exposed in a data breach, you know it can be stressful. Depending on what information is exposed , you might have to cancel credit or debit cards, change online
Blog Post

What to know about the new credit and debit chip cards

Colleen Tressler
Coming to a wallet near you: new credit and debit chip cards. They’re part of a nationwide shift by major card issuers to offer added security against fraud. The new cards look like your old cards
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Aditi Jhaveri
You know what would go great with your pumpkin spiced treats this October? Cyber security! Okay, now that I have your attention, October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month , and it’s a great
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Considering a franchise? Time to strategize

Consumer Education Specialist, FTC
Do you ever think about buying a franchise? Maybe you’ve heard of big opportunities and want to make a career change or build a business. Before you go further, know this: a franchise is like all
Blog Post

Can a video game app improve your vision? Let’s see…

Aditi Jhaveri
My mom always told me that my vision would get worse from sitting too close to a screen and playing video games — not better. But according to the FTC, Carrot Neurotechnology said you could improve