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Utility scams are snow joke

Emily Wu
Winter often brings the blues, but when it brings Arctic blasts, burst pipes, power outages, and even icicles indoors, scammers aren’t far behind with weather-related scams. Scammers know severe
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Coronavirus relief continues for housing and student loans

Emily Wu
As the Coronavirus pandemic continues, so does its financial impact. For people who need help with rent or mortgage payments , or have student loans, there may be some good news about the federal
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Not love, actually

Jim Kreidler
Valentine's Day will be here soon so we're talking about romance scams. Lots of people have profiles on dating apps to meet someone — maybe even more so in these virtual times. And many people have
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Amazon Flex didn’t deliver as promised

Jim Kreidler
Using your own vehicle to deliver packages for Amazon and earn extra money. Sounds good, right? But has Amazon been keeping the tips its drivers are making when delivering for its Amazon Flex program
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Avoid scammers offering to pay your rent

Lisa Lake
If you’re facing eviction for any reason, there are organizations out there who can help you. But there are also fake “organizations” and “charities” who can hurt you. COVID-19 has created an even
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Scammers cash in on COVID-19 vaccination confusion

Colleen Tressler
With every passing day, the news on COVID-19 vaccine distribution seems to change. One reason is that distribution varies by state and territory. And scammers, always at the ready, are taking
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Does your health app protect your sensitive info?

Miles Plant
New health apps are popping up every day, promising to help you track your health conditions, count your calories, manage your medications, or predict your ovulation. These apps often ask for some of
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More money from the government?

Jennifer Leach
Congress has just passed another bill to help the people whose finances are taking a beating from the pandemic. Once again, some of us will be getting money by check or direct deposit. The timing and
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All I want for Christmas…is what I ordered

Carol Kando-Pineda
You’ve probably spent a good part of 2020 doing some online shopping. Now that the holidays are here, you definitely want to be sure you — or your friends and family — actually get what you ordered
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Don’t be CBDeceived by junk science

Lisa Lake
If you’ve explored alternative treatments for medical conditions, you’ve probably noticed that CBD products are pretty popular. But if an ad claims a CBD-based product is scientifically proven to cure
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Frosty the Con Man: avoiding family emergency scams

Carol Kando-Pineda
“ Hello? It’s me — Frosty. Look it’s a long story but without my top hat, I’m melting. Please, I need your help — send money now or I’ll be nothing but a puddle!” OK, so that’s a silly example and
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Avoid a season of mis-giving

Jennifer Leach
It’s the 6th day of Consumer Protection, and maybe you’re in a giving spirit. ‘Tis the season, right? If you like to donate to charities at the end of the year, ‘tis also time to make sure your
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Fa-la-la-la fake

Carol Kando-Pineda
On the 5 th day of Consumer Protection, you get an email or text message that’s supposedly from UPS or FedEx, complete with one of their logos — and it seems legit. It says your item is ready to ship
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Holiday "Grift" Exchange?

Carol Kando-Pineda
It’s the 4th day of Consumer Protection and ’tis the season of…gift cards. Even in Santa’s workshop, it’s one of the most popular ways to give to family and friends for the holidays. But gift cards
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But the hire is not so delightful

Jim Kreidler
On this 3 rd day of Consumer Protection, we’re talking about earning some extra cash. For lots of us, the holiday season is a good time to pick up some part-time work. It’s when retailers and delivery
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Hawking in a winter wonderland

Jennifer Leach
On this 2 nd day of Consumer Protection, it’s all about online shopping. Because that’s what we can do this year, right? (OK, it’s a lot of what we do any year.) If you’re spending some of your hard
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On the first day of consumer protection…

Jim Kreidler
Welcome to the FTC’s 12 Days of Consumer Protection, a holiday series to help you save money and avoid scams. Each day, we’ll cover a new topic — from shopping online and bogus shipping notifications
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Giving wisely in the time of COVID

Rosario Mendez
Thanks to COVID-19, many charitable organizations are faced with greater demand for their services, but less in donations as people have less to give. Now, more than ever, it’s important to make sure
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Veterans and imposter scams

Carol Kando-Pineda
During the past four years, the FTC logged more than 378,000 reports from veterans — and nearly 161,000 were fraud-related. More than 24,000 of those reported a loss (with total losses of $205 million