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Giving wisely in the time of COVID

Rosario Mendez
Thanks to COVID-19, many charitable organizations are faced with greater demand for their services, but less in donations as people have less to give. Now, more than ever, it’s important to make sure
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Veterans and imposter scams

Carol Kando-Pineda
During the past four years, the FTC logged more than 378,000 reports from veterans — and nearly 161,000 were fraud-related. More than 24,000 of those reported a loss (with total losses of $205 million
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Help veterans avoid scams

Andrew Smith
On Veterans Day, we celebrate our veterans — more than 18 million strong. We thank you for your service and sacrifice. It’s also a good time to arm yourself with some tips to avoid fraud. We know that
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Overpaid your utility bill? That’s probably a scam

Lisa Lake
You get a robocall saying you paid too much on a utility bill. To make up for this mistake, they say, you’ll get a cash refund and a discount on your future bills. All you have to do is press a number
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Threatening phone scams are targeting parents and immigrants

Cristina Miranda
Two disturbing phone scams have popped up on the FTC’s radar. Both scams have one thing in common: they want to trick (and scare) you out of money. If you live on Staten Island, pay close attention
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The FTC Chairman is not writing to you

Karen Hobbs
If you saw an email from FTC Chairman Joseph Simons, it wasn’t. From him, that is. Scammers pretending to be him are emailing, though. They’re trying to trick you into turning over personal
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What to do when someone steals your identity

Traci Armani
Did someone use your personal information to open up a new mobile account or credit card? Or maybe buy stuff with one of your existing accounts? Or did they file for unemployment or taxes in your name
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Heard about the “waiting package” phishing scam?

Ari Lazarus
Phishing scams can be hard to spot. For example, we’ve been hearing about one where people get a text message saying that there’s a package waiting for them, and asking them to click a link to learn
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What to do when you (and your kids) are online at home

Jennifer Leach
If you have kids in school, there’s a good chance they’re kicking off their school year…in your living room. All the while, you might be working away, yourself, in some carved out corner at home. The
Blog Post

Paying the high cost of payday loans

Jennifer Leach
Being broke is expensive. Right now, so many people are scrambling to figure out how to make rent, cover utilities, pick up some work, get their unemployment checks, and keep body and soul together
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Driving for extra cash? Check your car insurance first.

Jim Kreidler
With more people seeking delivery services during the Coronavirus pandemic, many companies are looking for drivers to shuttle meals, medicine, groceries, and other items to people at home. Before you
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Scams in between stimulus packages

Jennifer Leach
As we publish this post, a second stimulus package has not yet been finalized by Congress. While there’s a lot we don’t know, we DO know a few things about what scammers do when this kind of
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Getting unordered seeds and stuff in the mail?

Jennifer Leach
Those mysterious seeds from China have been in the headlines, but we’re also hearing about other stuff that people are getting that looks connected to the seed mystery. There could be a few things
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Empowering military consumers – all year long

Joint blog
Military Consumer Month is over and it’s time to think about how we can support servicemembers all year long. Seven years ago, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched Military Consumer Protection
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Military Consumer Month: Until next year

Carol Kando-Pineda
We’re at the end of July – and Military Consumer Month is just about finished. But the work goes on. Find us all year long at , and check back often for more resources to share
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USS Bonhomme Richard – giving to sailors in need

Carol Kando-Pineda
You may have seen reports of the fire that destroyed the USS Bonhomme Richard. Dozens of sailors fled the burning ship and lost all their possessions. When a distressing event like this happens, many
Blog Post

Utility company calling? Don’t fall for it.

Jim Kreidler
Every day, millions of people who have lost their jobs are making difficult choices about how to pay their bills. As the Coronavirus continues to spread, scammers are taking advantage of people’s
Blog Post

What’s new for people in the military community?

Paul Witt
During Military Consumer Month, the FTC is launching a new too l to explore what problems military consumers may experience in the marketplace. For the first time, data about the FTC’s reports from